Important dates |
(midnight, Hawaii, USA timezone) |
January 11, 2015 | Deadline for Papers, Panels, and Working Groups |
January 30, 2015 | Notification of accepted working groups |
January 30, 2015 | Working group topics announced and membership application opens |
March 1, 2015 | Notification of accepted papers, panels |
March 15, 2015 | Deadline for Posters, Tips, Techniques, and Courseware |
March 29, 2015 | Notification of accepted posters, tips, techniques and courseware |
March 23, 2015 | Working group membership application period closes (individual working groups may close application period earlier) |
April 5, 2015 | Final announcement of running working groups |
April 22, 2015 | Deadline for submission of correctly prepared camera-ready copy of accepted submission |
April 12, 2015 | Camera ready copies of accepted submissions due |
May 15, 2015 | Registration due for authors of accepted papers |
May 25, 2015 | Early registration closes |
June 26, 2015 | Online registration closes |
July 3, 2015 | Working groups convene |
July 5, 2015 |
ITiCSE 2015 opening |